How to Select Rotor Sprinklers for Lawns in Kenya
Most lawn sprinklers including rotor sprinkler heads are site-specific since they have different ranges of pressure and flow rates.
Get Quality Lawn Sprinklers from Aqua Hub Kenya
We supply you with quality sprinklers including rotor sprinklers and pop-ups for your various lawn water needs.
Features of Rotor Sprinkler Heads
- They operate on Pressure of 40 to 50 Psi through stream types of work on lower pressure.
- Spray rotation at angles ranging from 0-360 degrees
- Adjustable angle of rotation by 15 degrees.
- Available in various sizes; ½, ¾, and 1 inch.
- Plastic body surface with a closable part containing inbuilt filter.
- Some are made of steel body surface.
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How to Choose Rotor Sprinklers in Kenya
It is ideal to consider various flow rates, pressure rating, size, installation, cost, landscape, and application before installation.
The choice of a good pressure rating for a rotor head relies on the flow of water, if it can be within the recommended rate, it will operate well.
Flow rates determine the sprinkler head that will achieve your desirable water supply rate on your lawns. Various sizes are designed to release variable rates of flow as per the size of the sprinkler head.
As sprinkler size and flow rates increase, the cost also rises hence you must consider which one you can afford.
Lawn fields can be of various landscapes which require different pressure rates of sprinklers to supply balanced water flow. For flat areas, the sprinkler heads may work uniformly with low-pressure ranges. However, hilly landscapes may require high-pressure range sprinkler heads to ensure water reaches steep parts.
You also need to consider whether a sprinkler head is compatible to various components of the system such as controllers and valves.
Types of Rotor Sprinklers
Impact rotor Heads
Spins in a circular direction when water moving out of the nozzles hits the spring-connected arm. They are suitable for various water quality types from clean to dirty as the nozzles are less tiny compared to other types.
Gear Drive Rotor Heads
Designed with gears that rotate the sprinkler head upon the action of water moving out in high pressure from the nozzles.
Stream Rotor Heads
Releases rotating sprays of water with thin throws or smooth flow. They have slower wetting patterns and are therefore good for irregular landscapes.
Comparing Rotors and Pop-up Sprinklers
Pop-up sprinklers provide high pressure and big streams of water compared to rotor sprinkler heads. Rotors take a long time to get a lawn field due to low-pressure rates. On the other hand, it takes a shorter time for pop-ups to cover and wet a zone.
Pop-up types are applicable in large areas while rotors are good for smaller lawn fields.
Recommended Tips for Proper Use of Rotor Sprinklers
Most Pop-up spray bodies are compatible with nozzles of stream rotors.
If you decide to use rotor nozzles on pop-up heads, remember to adjust run times appropriately.
Ensure they run for about 40 to a maximum of 50 minutes for a sufficient flow of water on your lawn field.
Applications of Rotor and Pop-up Sprinklers
- Residential Lawn fields and gardens
- Large commercial areas such as schools and institutions.
- Football and rugby fields