Greenhouse Farming, Irrigation

Greenhouse experts in Kenya

Steel Greenhouses

 Greenhouse experts in Kenya

Greenhouse experts in Kenya |Greenhouses are delicate structures which needs a lot of resources and skills in setting up. Getting the right technicians to handle the job is a recommended step in greenhouse venture. Reputable constructors guarantee stable and long-lasting greenhouses that will free you from the burden of losses and repairs that may arise.

Greenhouse experts (Technicians) -Aqua Hub Team

Aqua Hub Kenya conducts technical and reputable greenhouse construction services including fabrication, welding, and joining of steel bars.
We have a team of technicians rich with required knowledge and skills for effective construction of greenhouses, shade houses and handling of equipment.

shade nets construction


Qualitative Skills of our Technicians

  • Our technicians are conversant with all the available greenhouses dimensions and designs.
  • Our technicians are well-equipped with the necessary tools for construction.
  • Our technicians can work under minimum or no supervision. You just need to provide all the requirements, and they are up to the task.
  • Our technicians are competent. They have successfully built many greenhouse projects to various happy clients all over the country.
  • They are effective and fast. They always complete the job on the required time.

How many Technicians do I need?

You don’t need many technicians to complete your green house construction. It will depend on the size, number of greenhouses to be constructed and time set before completion.
For many green houses you may need more than one technician but for one or small projects requires just one technician.

Wooden greenhouse in Kenya

Wooden Greenhouse Construction in Eldoret

Roles of our Technicians
  • Supervising the area for Constructing green house.
  • Ensuring all the required materials are delivered to the green house construction site.
  • Taking dimensions of green houses and green house materials. Dimensions are necessary to ensure that the green house cover will fit.
  • Demonstrating or guiding casuals on how to fit the green house covers, required holes for fitting metal bars on the ground and cementing.
  • Installing irrigation systems to the green house.

Greenhouse Construction Requirements

  • Greenhouse Polythene material
  • Wiggle wires
  • Steel bars
  • Screws
  • Cocopeat
  • Insect nets (ventilators)
  • Wooden Poles (wooden green houses)
  • Twines

Greenhouse construction prices

Type of Greenhouse Size in Square meters  Cost in (KES.)

Metallic green house

8mx15m KES. 200,000
8mx24m KES. 270,000
8×30 KES.  340,000
16×30 KES. 650,000

Wooden Greenhouse

8mx15m KES. 165,000
8mx24m KES. 180,000
8mx30m KES. 240,000
16mx30m KES. 360,000


For green house materials and our greenhouse technicians construction services;
Call 0790719020 or email