The Benefits of Button Drip Irrigation in Kenya

Button drip irrigation in Kenya is the slow and smooth application of water to plants using small plastic devices called button drippers. This method is a type of drip irrigation method that releases water through plastic knobs.
Button Drippers by Aqua Hub
Button drippers maintain even distribution of water to all individual crops. Some drippers have threaded ends/inlet to enhance connection to a PVC pipe. Barbed inlets cannot be connected to a PVC delivery pipes.
Flow rates
Varying flow rates depend on the type of button dripper. For instance, adjustable button drippers have a flow rate of 0–20 gallons per hour while non-adjustable button drippers deliver 0.5-2 gallons per hour.
Pressure compensating or non-adjustable drippers. This enhances the button drippers to deliver a certain range or fixed flow rate despite increase or decrease in pressure.
Colour code
They have various colours which represent the flow rate in most cases. The common colours are red and green.
Some button drippers may contain stakes for support or installation to the ground.
How do Button Drip Irrigation Works?
Button drippers control the flow of water in the drip irrigation system, with the ability to close or increase the rate of flow. The plastic buttons have caps which open to increase flow rate and closed to reduce flow.
Wetting Pattern
The wetting pattern depends on the type of button dripper in use.
Adjustable Button dripper
The adjustable button dripper emits water in round wetting patterns of varying radius ranging from 5-40 cm. The wetting pattern can be an arc of 180 or 360 degrees.
Adjustable Button dripper with stakes
Adjustable button drippers with support stakes can release water at an arc of 90, 180 or 360 degrees. It is normally installed at the end of the delivery pipe.
Non-adjustable Button dripper
Non-adjustable button drippers have a constant flow rate, with a wetting pattern of manufacture’s set limit.
Advantages of Button Drip Irrigation
- Button dripper are effective since they deliver the right amount of water to crops.
- The maintenance and labor requirements are lower than other methods of irrigation.
- They are easier to replace or clean, the caps are removable for dirt extraction.
- The most common concern, durability and effectiveness is often high because button drippers are made of UV treated plastic material.
Applications of Button Drip Irrigation
Button drip irrigation in Kenya is suitable for fruits, trees, vegetables, flowers and tree nurseries.
Button Drip Irrigation by Aqua Hub
Aqua Hub Kenya sells button drippers at affordable prices. Our button drippers are cheap, quality, and durable. We sell at a price of KES. 13 each.
Make Inquiries through 0790719020.